Laner 2013 Mitochondr Physiol Network MiP2013

From Bioblast

MiPcomparative 1: MiP2013

Name Institution Title and link to abstract Presentation
Nobel laureate Sir John Walker MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, Cambridge, UK ATP synthase - a paradigm of comparative mitochondrial physiology Keynote

MiPcomparative 2: Oxygen delivery and muscle OXPHOS

Name Institution Title and link to abstract Presentation
Weber RE University of Aarhus, DK Kjell Johansen lecture: Hemoglobins: Molecular adaptations safeguarding mitochondrial O2 supply Keynote
Boushel RC University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DK O2 delivery, diffusion and mitochondrial respiration components of VO2 during exercise in health and disease Oral
Gnaiger E Medical University Innsbruck, AT Biochemical coupling efficiency in permeabilized fibres from arm and leg muscle in Inuit versus Caucasians Oral HypoxiaNet
Lundby C University of Zurich, CH The effects of hypoxic training on aerobic performance in normoxia and moderate hypoxia: a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study Oral HypoxiaNet
Jacobs RA University of Zurich, CH Improvements in exercise performance with high-intensity interval training are facilitated by an increase in skeletal muscle mitochondria content Oral HypoxiaNet
Larsen S University of Copenhagen, DK Skeletal muscle respiration after high intensity training Oral
Schiffer TA Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE Dietary inorganic nitrate reduces basal metabolic rate in man Poster
Larsen FJ Karolinska Institut, Stockholm, SE Human mitochondria has a unique response to ischemia reperfusion injury compared to mitochondria from rat, mouse and pig Oral
Heidler J JW-Goethe University, Frankfurt, DE Functional plasticity of interfibrillary mitochondria (IFM) as cardiac response mechanism to stress Oral
Chicco AJ Colorado State University, Fort Collins, US Comparative muscle mitochondrial physiology of the northern elephant seal Oral
Scott GR McMaster University, Hamilton, CA Mitochondrial adaptations to hypoxia in high-altitude birds and mammals Poster
Chicco AJ Colorado State University, Fort Collins, US Remodeling of skeletal muscle mitochondria in response to exercise training in taz shRNA mouse model of human Barth syndrome Poster
Cavalcanti de Albuquerque JP Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR Skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in ovariectomized rats: a time course study and the role of estrogen replacement Poster

MiPcomparative 3: Hypometabolism and mt-diversity

Name Institution Title and link to abstract Presentation
Buck LT University of Toronto, CA Peter Hochachka lecture: The role of mitochondria in low oxygen signaling in anoxia-tolerant turtle brain Keynote
Hand SC LSU, Baton Rouge, Lousiana, US Defense against ATP depletion during the energy-limited state of diapause Oral
Staples JF University of Western Ontario, London, CA Mechanisms of mitochondrial metabolic depression in hibernation Oral
Darveau CA University of Ottawa, CA Diversity and evolution of mitochondrial metabolism: Proline as a metabolic reward for pollinators Oral
Salin K University of Glasgow, UK Mitochondrial functioning, a proximate mechanism underlying the pace of life? Poster
Slinde E University of Life Science, As, NO Comparative study of respiration in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.) cells and mitochondria from blood, heart, liver, muscle and brain Poster

MiPcomparative 4: Temperature - a hot MiPchallenge

Name Institution Title and link to abstract Presentation
Dzialowski EM University of North Texas, US Mitochondrial function and the development of endothermy in the precocial Pekin duck (Anas pekin) Oral
Blier PU Université du Québec à Rimouski, CA Holding our breath in our modern world: are mitochondria keeping the pace with global changes? Oral
Schulte P University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA The effect of low-temperature acclimation on mitochondrial function in the common killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus), a top-down elasticity analysis Oral
Hickey AJ University of Auckland, NZ Mitochondria in a changing climate? The role of mitochondrial in hyperthermic heart failure in different fish species Oral
Christen F Université du Québec à Rimouski, CA Thermal sensitivity of mitochondria from arctic charr heart: Mitochondrial respiration and ROS production. Poster
Severin F Moscow State University, RU Mitochondrially-encoded protein Var1 promotes loss of respiratory function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under stressful conditions Poster

MiPregulatory 1

Name Institution Title and link to abstract Presentation
Bouillaud F Universite Paris Descartes, Paris, FR Adaptation of colonocyte mitochondria to intense hydrogen sulfide exposure Oral
Calzia E Universitätsklinikum Ulm, DE Studying mitochondrial effects of sulfide. Does the species matter? Oral
Jezek P Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep., Prague, CZ Antioxidant synergy of mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP2 and phospholipase iPLA2γ Oral
Plecita-Hlavata L Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep., Prague, CZ Mitochondrial network and cristae remodeling upon hypoxia Oral
Dlaskova A Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep., Prague, CZ Distribution of nucleoids of mitochondrial DNA Poster

MiPregulatory 2

Name Institution Title and link to abstract Presentation
Vercesi AE State University of Campinas, BR Mitochondrial calcium transport in animal, plant and trypanosomes Oral
Gellerich FN Universitätsklinikum Magdeburg, DE The mitochondrial gas pedal, a unique property of neurons exists also in heart and skeletal muscle but not in astrocytes. New evidences by in silico investigations and (patho-)physiological consequences Oral
Tepp K National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallin, EE Bioenergetic aspects of postnatal development of cardiac cells: formation of structure-function relationship Oral
Korzeniewski B Jagiellonian University, Krakow, PL Regulation of oxidative phosphorylation during work transitions in various tissues results from its kinetic properties Oral
Oliveira MF Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR Comparative mitochondrial physiology in blood feeding insect vectors and parasites Oral
Hashimi H Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep., Ceske Budejovice, CZ Ancestral function of Letm1 as determined in the evolutionary diverged Trypanosoma brucei Poster
Shigaeva M Insitute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, RU The role of mitochondrial ATP-dependent potassium channel in the adaptation of organism to stress Poster
Friederich-Persson M Uppsala University, SE Potassium controls rat mitochondria function; in vivo and in vitro considerations Poster

MiPathology 1: Diabetes and obesity - general

Name Institution Title and link to abstract Presentation
Lee HK Eulji University College of Medicine, Seoul, KR Building the mitochondrial medicine; need to define mtDNA variations and its function Oral
Dela F University of Copenhagen, DK Statins affects skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration part-time
Wright L Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Padova, IT Calcium regulation of metabolism in adipocytes Oral
Palm F Uppsala University, SE Role of mitochondria function for the onset and progression of kidney disease Oral
Persson P Uppsala University, SE The effects of Angiotensin II on mitochondrial respiration: A role of normoglycemia versus hyperglycemia Poster
Oliveira HC Univ. Estadual de Campinas, Sao Paulo, BR Intermittent fasting improves oxidative stress but not metabolic disturbances and atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic mice Poster

MiPathology 2: Tissue differences in diabesity - mouse and rat models

Name Institution Title and link to abstract Presentation
Shabalina IG Stockholm University, Stockholm, SE Comparative study of brown and white adipose tissue mitochondria in mice upon cold acclimation Oral
Irving BA Geisinger Health System, Danville, US Sex differences in murine mitochondrial oxidative capacity following a 24 week high-fat diet Oral
Garcia-Roves PM Institut d'Investigacions Biomediques August Pi Sunyer (IDIBAPS) Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, ES Mitochondrial respiration in different mouse tissues under patho-physiological states Oral
Quistorff B University of Copenhagen, SE With type 2 diabetes mitochondrial dysfunction develops earlier in liver than in rat skeletal muscle Oral
Kotwica AO University of Cambridge, UK Mitochondrial respiration in heart and soleus of ob/ob mice Oral
Holloway GP University of Guelph, CA Tissue specific changes in respiratory substrate kinetics in the ZDF rat and in response to resveratrol supplementation Oral
Lemieux H University of Alberta, CA Early mitochondrial dysfunction associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the heart and skeletal muscle Oral
Pajuelo-Reguera D Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep., Prague, CZ Some mitophagy markers in liver and skeletal muscle in Goto Kakizaki rats Poster

MiPathology 3: Ageing, neurodegeneration

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MiPathology 4: Inflammation, ischemia-reperfusion, cancer

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MiPathology 5: Diagnosis

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MiPathology 6: Treatment

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