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ISO 13528:2015 Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison


ISO 13528:2015 Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison: Proficiency testing involves the use of interlaboratory comparisons to determine the performance of participants (which may be laboratories, inspection bodies, or individuals) for specific tests or measurements, and to monitor their continuing performance. There are a number of typical purposes of proficiency testing [[ |ISO/IEC 17043:2010]]. These include the evaluation of laboratory performance, the identification of problems in laboratories, establishing effectiveness and comparability of test or measurement methods, the provision of additional confidence to laboratory customers, validation of uncertainty claims, and the education of participating laboratories. The statistical design and analytical techniques applied must be appropriate for the stated purpose(s).

Abbreviation: ISO 13528:2015

Reference: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:13528:ed-2:v1:en

MitoPedia concepts: "MitoFit Quality Control System" is not in the list (MiP concept, Respiratory state, Respiratory control ratio, SUIT concept, SUIT protocol, SUIT A, SUIT B, SUIT C, SUIT state, Recommended, ...) of allowed values for the "MitoPedia concept" property. MitoFit Quality Control System"MitoFit Quality Control System" is not in the list (Enzyme, Medium, Inhibitor, Substrate and metabolite, Uncoupler, Sample preparation, Permeabilization agent, EAGLE, MitoGlobal Organizations, MitoGlobal Centres, ...) of allowed values for the "MitoPedia topic" property. 

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