Krishnathas 2017 Med Chem Comm

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Publications in the MiPMap
Krishnathas R, Bonke E, DrΓΆse S, Zickermann V, Nasiri HR (2017) Identification of 4-N-[2-(4-phenoxyphenyl)ethyl]quinazoline-4,6-diamine as a novel, highly potent and specific inhibitor of mitochondrial complex I. Med Chem Comm 8:657-61.

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Krishnathas R, Bonke E, Droese S, Zickermann V, Nasiri HR (2017) Med Chem Comm

Abstract: By probing the quinone substrate binding site of mitochondrial complex I with a focused set of quinazoline-based compounds, we identified substitution patterns as being critical for the observed inhibition. The structure activity relationship study also resulted in the discovery of the quinazoline 4-N-[2-(4-phenoxyphenyl)ethyl]quinazoline-4,6-diamine (EVP4593) as a highly potent inhibitor of the multisubunitmembrane protein. EVP4593 specifically and effectively reduces the mitochondrial complex I-dependent respiration with no effect on the respiratory chain complexes II–IV. Similar to established Q-site inhibitors, EVP4593 elicits the release of reactive oxygen species at the flavin site of mitochondrial complex I. Recently, EVP4593 was nominated as a lead compound for the treatment of Huntingtons disease. Our results challenge the postulated primary mode-of-action of EVP4593 as an inhibitor of NF-ΞΊB pathway activation and/or store-operated calcium influx.

β€’ Bioblast editor: Kandolf G β€’ O2k-Network Lab: DE Frankfurt Droese S

Labels: MiParea: Respiration, Pharmacology;toxicology 

Organism: Rat  Tissue;cell: Heart  Preparation: Isolated mitochondria 

Regulation: Inhibitor  Coupling state: OXPHOS  Pathway: N, S  HRR: Oxygraph-2k 

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