Dohlmann 2014 Abstract MiP2014

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Mitochondrial adaptations to high-intensity training in young and elderly men and women.


Dohlmann T

Mitochondr Physiol Network 19.13 - MiP2014

Dohlmann T, Dela F, Helge JW, Larsen S (2014)

Event: MiP2014

This study investigated how skeletal muscle mitochondria adapt to high intensity interval training (HIT) and whether adaptations differed according to age.

Two groups of healthy sedentary adults completed 18 sessions of low volume HIT (5x1 min @ ~132% of Wmax with 1.5 min rest periods). The groups were matched for BMI and baseline VO2max but differed in age (P<0.001). One group (N=9) aged 36Β±3 years (BMI 34Β±2 kgβ€’m-2 and VO2max 2.7Β±0.2 lβ€’min-1) was considered young (YOUNG), and the other group (N=4) aged 67Β±2 years (BMI 32Β±1 kgβ€’m-2 and VO2max 2.1Β±0.3 lβ€’min-1) was considered old (OLD). Mitochondrial respiration was measured using high-resolution respirometry (Oroboros Oxygraph-2k) in permeabilized muscle fibers from the vastus lateralis, and mitochondrial ADP sensitivity was determined using Michaelis-Menten kinetics.

Following training, YOUNG increased VO2max by 7% (P=0.003), with no change in OLD. Mitochondrial capacity for oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) was increased in both groups (48Β±2 to 84Β±4 pmol O2β€’s-1β€’mg-1 in YOUNG P<0.001 and 59Β±9 to 71Β±11 pmol O2β€’s-1β€’mg-1 in OLD P<0.05), and maximal noncoupled respiration was increased in YOUNG (59Β±4 to 92Β±5 pmol O2β€’s-1β€’mg-1, P<0.05) but not in OLD (71Β±9 to 80Β±10 pmol O2β€’sβˆ’1β€’mgβˆ’1). Mitochondrial ADP sensitivity did not change following training in either group (Kmapp [ADP] 0.19Β±0.10 to 0.16Β±0.04 in YOUNG, and 0.26Β±0.18 to 0.15Β±0.06 in OLD), but maximal ADP stimulated respiration (Jmax) increased in YOUNG (11Β±1 to 21Β±2 pmol O2β€’s-1β€’mg-1, P<0.05) but not in OLD (13Β±2 to 17Β±2 pmol O2β€’s-1β€’mg-1).

Our results indicate that the mitochondrial adaptation to HIT in elderly men and women move in the same direction as younger subjects, although only OXPHOS capacity increased significantly in OLD. Due to a low number of subjects in OLD, inclusion of additional subjects is necessary to elucidate exactly how elderly men and women adapt to HIT, compared with younger controls.

β€’ O2k-Network Lab: DK Copenhagen Dela F, DK Copenhagen Larsen S

Labels: MiParea: Respiration, Exercise physiology;nutrition;life style  Pathology: Aging;senescence 

Organism: Human  Tissue;cell: Skeletal muscle, HeLa, Fibroblast  Preparation: Permeabilized cells 

Regulation: ADP  Coupling state: OXPHOS, ET 

HRR: Oxygraph-2k  Event: A3, Oral  MiP2014:HIT 


Xlab, Center Healthy Aging, Dep Biomed Sc, Fac Health Sc, Univ Copenhagen, Denmark. – [email protected]

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