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Journals in Bioblast
Journal title and website [Dissertation]


Monteiro 2019 ThesisMonteiro ARB (2019) Effects of resistance training on mitochondrial function and gene expression of UCP-3 in muscles of ovariectomized rats. Dissertation 82.2019Open Access
Kappler 2018 ThesisKappler L (2018) Method development for valid high‐resolution profiling of mitochondria and Omics investigation of mitochondrial adaptions to excess energy intake and physical exercise. Dissertation p181.2018Open Access
Tillmans 2018 ThesisTillmans F (2018) Effect of normobaric hypoxia on leukemic vell lines in vitro. Dissertation p92.2018[ Open Access
Shum 2018 ThesisShum LC (2018) Mitochondrial metabolism in bone physiology and pathology. Dissertation p152.2018Open Access
Felder 2018 ThesisFelder AL (2018) Birthing the apocalypse: images of pregnancy and childbirth in first century apocalyptic literature. Dissertation p312.2018Open Access
Lau 2017 DissertationLau G (2017) Adaptive variation of mitochondrial function in response to oxygen variability in intertidal sculpins (Cottidae, Actinopterygii). Dissertation p148.2017Open Access
Thomas 2017 ThesisThomas NO (2017) Age-related decrease in resilience against acute redox cycling agents: critical role of declining GSH-dependent detoxification capacity. Dissertation p141.2017Open Access
Gabriel 2017 ThesisGabriel C (2017) Avaliação da função mitocondrial em idosos institucionalizados com e sem Doença de Alzheimer. Dissertation p55.2017Open Access
Asseburg 2017 ThesisAsseburg H (2017) Untersuchungen zur nutritiven Prävention der Neurodegeneration – Wirkungen von Trauben- und Olivenpolyphenolen auf die mitochondriale und kognitive Dysfunktion bei der Gehirnalterung und Alzheimer-Erkrankung. Dissertation p296.2017Open Access
Yeh 2017 ThesisYeh A (2017) Modulation of mitochondrial function as an indicator for sublethal effects of contaminants of emerging concern. Dissertation p117.2017Open Access
Schaefer 2017 ThesisSchaefer P (2017) Metabolic imaging in Alzheimer´s disease using NADH autofluorescence. Dissertation p93.2017Open Acces
Litt 2017 ThesisLitt MJ (2017) Identification and characterization of a cardiomyopathy syndrome resulting from loss of the melanocortin 4 receptor. Dissertation p172.2017Open Access
Rodolphi 2017 ThesisRodolphi MS (2017) Efeitos da nandrolona e da ceftriaxona na homeostasia glutamatérgica: uma busca por mecanismos interativos entre astrócitos e neurônios envolvidos no comportamento agressivo. Dissertation p58.2017Open Access
Xhani 2017 ThesisXhani M (2017) Cellular redox homeostasis and environmental toxicity. Dissertation p110.2017Open Access
Da Silva 2017 Thesisda Silva LA (2017) Efeito do tratamento com N-acetilcisteína sobre dinâmica mitocondrial em modelo animal de isquemia crônica de membros inferiores. Dissertation p54.2017Open Access
Braz-Mota 2017 ThesisBraz Mota S (2017) Estudo comparativo da toxicidade e dos mecanismos de ação tóxica de nanopartículas de cobre e cobre em duas espécies de peixes da Amazônia: Apistogramma agassizii e Paracheirodon axelrodi. Dissertation p.78.2017Open Access
Favero 2017 ThesisFavero BC (2017) Efeitos da leucina sobre a via da mTOR e da miostatina em cultura celular de miotúbulos. Dissertation p55.2017Open Access
Canevarolo 2017 ThesisCanevarolo RR (2017) Resistência ao metotrexato está diretamente associada à concentração de glutationa em linhagens de leucemia linfoide aguda. Dissertation p159.2017Open Access
Wolff 2017 ThesisWolff C (2017) Impact of lipid metabolism on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Dissertation p68.2017Open Access
McFarlane 2016 ThesisMcFarlane SV (2016) Temperature-dependent alterations of brown adipose tissue metabolism during hibernation in the thirteen-lined ground squirrel, Ictidomys tridecemlineatus. Dissertation p74.2016Open Access
Berschneider 2016 ThesisBerschneider K (2016) Connecting the functions of the proteasome and mitochondria in the lung. Dissertation p161.2016Open Access
Du 2016 ThesisDu X (2016) Anthropogenic pollution effects on mitochondrial energy metabolism, gene expression, and genotypes of natural Fundulus heteroclitus populations. Dissertation p175.2016Open Access
Fossbakk 2016 DissertationFossbakk A (2016) Human tyrosine hydroxylase: Oxygen dependence and role in Dopa responsive dystonia. Dissertation p60.2016Open Access
Bueno 2016 ThesisBueno e Silva MM (2016) Alterações mitocondriais e reprogramação metabólica em células de glioblastoma após tratamento com temozolomida. Dissertation p71.2016Open Access
Cecatto 2016 ThesisCecatto C (2016) Efeitos de acidos graxos hidroxilados de cadeia longa acumulados nas deficiencias da 3-hidroxiacil CoA desidrogenase de cadeia longa e da proteina trifunctional mitocondrial sobre a homeostase energetica mitochondrial nos musculos cardiaco e esqueletico de ratos jovens. Dissertation p103.2016Open Access
Silva 2016 ThesisSilva Luana Caroline Schüeler da (2016) Fucoxantina inibe a oxidação de LDL e ativação de macrófagos in vitro. PhD Thesis:93 pp.2016Open Access
Reich 2016 ThesisReich V (2016) Pathophysiologie und Verfahrensentwicklung: Mechanismen der Metabolisierung von Schwefelwasserstoff im mitochondrialen Atmungskreislauf von Lungenalveolarmakrophagen. Dissertation p91.2016Open Access
Ziemer 2015 DissertationZiemer M (2015) Untersuchungen zur Aktivität der mitochondrialen Permeabilitätstransitionspore in der Cyclophilin-D-Knock-out-Maus (Ppif-/-). Dissertation 1-72.2015Open Access
Bock 2015 ThesisBock UB (2015) Auswirkung von normobarer Hyperoxie auf die mitochondriale Atmung von Alveolarmakrophagen. Dissertation p80.2015Open Access
Van Hoose 2015 ThesisVan Hoose P (2015) Co-treatment with conjugated linoleic acid and nitrite modulates mitochondrial respiration and electron transport chain activity in vivo and attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction during cardiac injury. Dissertations p128.2015Open Access PDF
Broeker 2014 ThesisBroeker C (2014) Mitochondriopathien als Ursache des renalen Fanconi-Syndroms. Dissertation 85pp.2014Open Access
Quoilin 2014 DissertationQuoilin C (2014) Les effets délétères métaboliques et oxydants induits lors d'un sepsis sur la fonction rénale. Dissertation 1-195.2014open access
Monteiro 2013 ThesisMonteiro Siqueira C (2013) Avaliação de medicamentos homeopáticos para gripe humana por ensaios in vitro, pré-clínico e clínico. Dissertation p152.2013Open Access