MitoEAGLE Early Career Investigators

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COST Action CA15203 (2016-2021): MitoEAGLE
Evolution-Age-Gender-Lifestyle-Environment: mitochondrial fitness mapping

MitoEAGLE Early Career Investigators

MitoPedia topics: EAGLE 

Preprints for Early Career Investigators

        • Avasthi P, Soragni A, Bembenek JN (2018) Point of View: Journal clubs in the time of preprints. eLife 7:e38532. - ยปBioblast linkยซ

MitoEAGLE think tank for Early Career Investigators

Prepared by |Nina Krako Jakovljevic
        • MitoEAGLE think tank for Early Career Investigators is a supporting platform with aim to foster research potential in early career investigators (ECIs) and young researchers (PhD students-future ECIs) under the umbrella of the COST Action MitoEAGLE. The main idea is to group together all MitoEAGLE ECIs and get involved new participants in order to widen ECI participation and increase the global MitoEAGLE network.

  • Early Career Investigator (ECI) Postdoctoral researchers in the time of up to 8 years after their graduation (full-time equivalent). Periods of career leave have to be added to this time span (see ESR in COST glossary).For ECIs: see list of MitoEAGLE participants
  • PhD students (future ECIs) Students recently working on their PhD thesis. Current PhD students will become ECIs as soon as they obtain their PhDs plus next 8 years. For PhD students: see list of participants-future ECIs
  • New ECI members
The same rules for ECIs as all MitoEAGLE participants: join MitoEAGLE.

        • Mentorship opportunities
One of the main ideas is to provide mentorship opportunities to all interested group members. The mentorship has to be based on mutual benefit for both: ECI and his/her mentor. Mentoring can be basically organized as distance- or e-mentoring by using e-mails, Skype and other online communication tools. It can be further intensified by episodes of direct or โ€˜liveโ€™ mentoring at MitoEAGLE events and/or during a Short-Term Scientific Mission and Training Schools. This should result in increasing involment of ECIs in co-publication through active research collaborations.
List of mentors (list of senior experts willing to assist young ECIs in their career development) see MitoEAGLE network.
For example, see MiPschool abstracts.

        • ECIs discussion page
This platform has a potential to be an incubator for new ideas of Early Career Investigators, by increased interactions between ECIs and accelerate exchange of their ideas and creation of new once.
ECIs can discuss about any topic regarding their research (techniques, approaches, theory, terminology, research skills, career development opportunities and issues, funding possibilities etc.
For virtual discussion: facebook group Mitoeagle COST Action, @costmitoeagle, and Discussion Page on the MitoEAGLE wiki website.

        • MitoEAGLE Events
All MitoEAGLE events are ideal opportunities for face-to-face ECIs meetings in order to work on development of think tank strategies, review the ECIs needs and organize the networking.
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