MiPNet21.06 SUIT RP

From Bioblast


MiPNet21.06 SUIT RP

Publications in the MiPMap
Oroboros Procedures
SUIT reference protocol for OXPHOS analysis by high-resolution respirometry.

» [In progress]

Oroboros (2018-06-25) Mitochondr Physiol Network

Abstract: Doerrier C, Sumbalova Z, Gnaiger (2016) SUIT reference protocol for OXPHOS analysis by high-resolution respirometry. Mitochondr Physiol Network 21.06(01):1-12.

» MitoPedia: SUIT reference protocol
» Instrument: Oroboros O2k

O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros


SUIT reference protocol RP1

SUIT states: 1-3PM(LPcE) 4PGM 5PGMS 6OctPGMS 7S 8SGp 9ROX 10Tm 11ROX

MitoPedia: SUIT

Steps and respiratory states


Step State Pathway Q-junction Comment - Events (E) and Marks (M)
2c PMcP N CI 1PM;2D;2c
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of type N substrates & succinate, with convergent electron flow in the NS-pathway for reconstitution of TCA cycle function.
  • Noncoupled electron transfer state, ET state, with ET capacity E.
6Oct OctPGMSE FNS FAO&CI&II 1PM;2D;3U;4G;5S;6Oct
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway, N-pathway, and S-pathway, with convergent electron flow in the FNS-pathway for reconstitution of TCA cycle function and additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • Noncoupled electron transfer state, ET state, with ET capacity E.
7Rot SE S CII 1PM;2D;3U;4G;5S;6Oct;7Rot
8Gp SGpE SGp CII&GpDH 1PM;2D;3U;4G;5S;6Oct;7Rot;8Gp
  • Respiratory stimulation by action of succinate and glycerophosphate, Gp, with convergent electron flow in the SGp-pathway (CII&GpDH-linked pathway to the Q-junction).
  • Noncoupled electron transfer state, ET state, with ET capacity E.
9Ama ROX 1PM;2D;3U;4G;5S;6Oct;7Rot;8Gp;9Ama
  • Rox is the residual oxygen consumption in the ROX state, due to oxidative side reactions, estimated after addition of antimycin A (inhibitor of CIII). Rox is subtracted from oxygen flux as a baseline for all respiratory states, to obtain mitochondrial respiration (mt).
Step Respiratory state Pathway control ET-Complex Comment
## Azd CHB

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SUIT reference protocol RP2

SUIT states: 1REN 2OctM(P) 2OctM(c) 3OctPM 4OctPGM 5OctPGMS 6OctPGMSGp 7E 8SGp 9ROX 10CIV 11CHB

MitoPedia: SUIT

Steps and respiratory states


Step State Pathway Q-junction Comment - Events (E) and Marks (M)
  • ADP is added to stimulate the consumption of endogenous fuel-substrates.

2M.1 1D;2M.1
3Oct OctMP F FAO 1D;2M.1;3Oct
  • Respiratory stimulation of the FAO-pathway, F, by fatty acid, FA, in the presence of malate, M. Malate is a type N substrate (N), required for the F-pathway. The FA concentration has to be optimized to saturate the F-pathway, without inhibiting or uncoupling respiration.
3c OctMcP F FAO 1D;2M.1;3Oct;3c
  • Respiratory stimulation of the FAO-pathway, F, by fatty acid, FA, in the presence of malate, M. Malate is a type N substrate (N), required for the F-pathway. The FA concentration has to be optimized to saturate the F-pathway, without inhibiting or uncoupling respiration.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
  • Addition of cytochrome c yields a test for integrity of the mtOM (cytochrome c control efficiency). Stimulation by added cytochrome c would indicate an injury of the mtOM and limitation of respiration in the preceding state without added c due to loss of cytochrome c. Typically, cytochrome c is added immediately after the earliest ADP-activation step (OXPHOS capacity P with saturating [ADP]).
4M2 OctMP F(N) FAO 1D;2M.1;3Oct;3c;4M2
5P OctPMP FN FAO&CI 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway and N-pathway with convergent electron flow in the FN-pathway for evaluation of an additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
6G OctPGMP FN FAO&CI 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway and N-pathway with convergent electron flow in the FN-pathway for evaluation of an additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
7S OctPGMSP FNS FAO&CI&II 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S
  • Respiratory stimulation by simultaneous action of the F-pathway, N-pathway, and S-pathway, with convergent electron flow in the FNS-pathway for reconstitution of TCA cycle function and additive or inhibitory effect of F.
  • OXPHOS capacity P (with saturating [ADP]), active OXPHOS state.
8Gp OctPGMSGpP FNSGp FAO&CI&II&GpDH 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp
9U OctPGMSGpE FNSGp FAO&CI&II&GpDH 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U
10Rot SGpE SGp CII&GpDH 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot
  • Respiratory stimulation by action of succinate and glycerophosphate, Gp, with convergent electron flow in the SGp-pathway (CII&GpDH-linked pathway to the Q-junction).
  • Noncoupled electron transfer state, ET state, with ET capacity E.
11Ama ROX 1D;2M.1;3Oct;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot;11Ama
  • Rox is the residual oxygen consumption in the ROX state, due to oxidative side reactions, estimated after addition of antimycin A (inhibitor of CIII). Rox is subtracted from oxygen flux as a baseline for all respiratory states, to obtain mitochondrial respiration (mt).
Step Respiratory state Pathway control ET-Complex Comment
## Azd CHB

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Harmonized SUIT protocols

RP1 and RP2 in mt-preparations


SUIT RP1 in mt-preparations: mt;1PM;2D:2c;3U;4G;5S;6Oct;7Rot;8Gp;9Ama;10AsTm;11Azd
SUIT RP2 in mt-preparations: mt;1D;2M.1;3Oct;3c;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot;11Ama;12AsTm;13Azd

RP1&RP2.png Harmonization between RP1 and RP2

RP1 and RP2 in permeabilized fibers

To avoid oxygen limitation in pfi, high oxygen concentration levels (250-450 µM O2) are used during the assay.

SUIT RP1 in pfi SUIT-RP1 SUIT RP2 in pfi SUIT-RP2

SUIT RP1 in pfi: pfi;1PM;2D:2c;3U;4G;5S;6Oct;7Rot;8Gp;9Ama;10AsTm;11Azd
SUIT RP2 in pfi: pfi;1D;2M.1;3Oct;3c;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot;11Ama;12AsTm;13Azd

RP1&RP2 pfi.png Harmonization between RP1 and RP2

RP1 and RP2 in cells

RP1 and RP2 can be assessed in cells after the selective plasma membrane permeabilization. Digitonin is a mild detergent that permeabilizes plasma membranes. The optimum effective digitonin concentration for complete plasma membrane permeabilization of cultured cells can be determined directly in a respirometric protocol (see Digitonin). The use of living cells allows the possibility to evaluate respiration in two different modules: intact cells and permeabilized cells. ROUTINE respiration (ce1) is obtained before digitonin is employed, whereas after the use of digitonin we can address different Electron-transfer-pathway states.

SUIT RP1 in ce-pce SUIT-RP1 SUIT RP2 in ce-pce SUIT-RP2

SUIT RP1 in cells: ce1;1Dig;1PM;2D;2c;3U;4G;5S;6Oct;7Rot;8Gp;9Ama;10AsTm;11Azd
SUIT RP2 in cells: ce1;1Dig;1D;2M.1;3Oct;3c;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot;11Ama;12AsTm;13Azd

Reference protocol RP1&RP2 pce.png Harmonization between RP1 and RP2 in cells

RP1 and RP2 in PBMC and PLT

In PBMC and PLT, the reference protocol RP1 is performed in the absence of Oct.


SUIT RP1 for PBMC and PLT: ce1;1Dig;1PM;2D;2c;3U;4G;5S;6Rot;7Gp;8Ama;9AsTm;10Azd
SUIT RP2 for PBMC and PLT: ce1;1Dig;1D;2M.1;3Oct;3c;4M2;5P;6G;7S;8Gp;9U;10Rot;11Ama;12AsTm;13Azd

Reference protocol RP1&RP2 pce PBMCs PTLs.png Harmonization between RP1 and RP2 in PBMC and PTL cells

Experimental details

Work in progress: pre-publication protocol

Saturating ADP concentrations

Different concentrations of ADP are sufficient to obtain maximum flux for estimating OXPHOS capacity. The typical range for isolated mitochondria is 1 to 2.5 mM, for permeabilized cells 1 to 5 mM, for permeabilized muscle fibres 2.5 to 10 mM.

SUIT-RP development


  • RP1: Compared to RP1-T01, move Oct titration after S.
  • RP2: Compared to RP2-T01, move U titration after Gp.


  • RP2: Compared to RP2-T02, move D titration after the sample. Titration of M.1 before Oct. M2 is added after Oct.

SUIT RP2 development

Cytochrome c test

  • In protocol RP2, the cytochrome c test might better be moved from a c-titration after pyruvate (P) to a titration after M2. Otherwise, there is a risk of underestimation of FAO in cases of a cytochrome c effect. On the other hand, at the low flux before titration of P, the sensitivity of the cytochrome c test may be low.
~ Gnaiger Erich 18:26, 23 January 2016 (CET)

Mark names

  • Even the highly abbreviated names of respiratory states have become too long for DatLab, where mark names are restricted to 8 digits. The visibility in DatLab of long mark names is restricted. The simplest solution for short mark names is the use of a numerical sequence, with the preceeding event name added for information.
~ Gnaiger Erich 16:50, 23 January 2016 (CET)

Pre-publication communication

This communication is a pre-publication, inviting critical feedback and comments. All feedback will be carefully documented and evaluated in terms of justification of co-authorship. We intend to finally publish this topic in a peer-reviewed journal as an original article, with reference to the pre-publication history including reviewer's reports.

Experiments in progress

The SUIT reference protocol is presently applied in permeabilized HEK cells, mouse heart isolated mitochondria, liver homogenate, permeabilized skeletal muscle (mouse and human), and human PBMC and PLT. - Gnaiger Erich 18:47, 19 January 2016 (CET)
K-Regio MitoFit

Further details

» Introduction: Gnaiger 2014 MitoPathways
» MitoPedia: SUIT
» Definition: Substrate-uncoupler-inhibitor titration
» Context: SUIT protocol library
» Abbreviations: MitoPedia

Labels: MiParea: Instruments;methods 

Preparation: Permeabilized cells, Permeabilized tissue, Homogenate, Isolated mitochondria 

Regulation: Substrate  Coupling state: LEAK, OXPHOS, ET  Pathway: F, N, S, Gp, CIV, NS, Other combinations  HRR: Oxygraph-2k 

MitoPathways, MitoFitPublication, SUIT-001, SUIT-002, SUIT-001 O2 mt D001, SUIT-001 O2 pfi D002, SUIT-001 O2 ce-pce D003, SUIT-001 O2 ce-pce D004, SUIT-002 O2 mt D005, SUIT-002 O2 pfi D006, SUIT-002 O2 ce-pce D007, SUIT-002 O2 ce-pce D007a 

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