Herminghaus 2016 Abstract MitoFit Science Camp 2016

From Bioblast
Sterile laparotomy time-dependently modulates hepatic but not colonic mitochondrial function similar to moderate abdominal sepsis.


Herminghaus A, Papenbrock H, Eberhardt R, Vollmer C, Schulz J, Truse R, Bauer I, Picker O (2016)

Event: MitoFit Science Camp 2016 Kuehtai AT

Moderate abdominal sepsis (colon ascendens stent peritonitis) modulates mitochondrial function in the liver within 24 hours [1]. However, it is not clear, how far the operative stress by sterile laparotomy influences mitochondrial function and how this changes over time. The aim of the present study was to investigate the hepatic and colonic mitochondrial function after sterile laparotomy and by abdominal sepsis in the time course of 96 hours.

This study was performed with approval of the local animal care and use committee. 96 Wistar rats were randomized into 8 groups (n=12): 1-4 sham (laparotomy only) and 5-8 septic groups (colon ascendens stent peritonitis - CASP) and control animals (n=9). 24, 48, 72 and 96h after surgery the mitochondrial function in the colon- and liver homogenates were determined. Mitochondrial oxygen consumption was determined using a Clark type electrode State 2 (oxygen consumption in the presence of the substrates: glutamate-malate or succinate) and state 3 respiration (ADP dependent oxygen consumption) were assessed. Respiratory control index (RCI State 3/State 2) for both complexes was calculated. Data are presented as means Β± SD, 2-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc-test.

Hepatic RCI for both complexes was 24 hours after sterile laparotomy and after sepsis induction higher than in the controls, and 48 hours after sepsis induction only for complex I. The colonic RCI did not change in the time course after sham- or CASP operation.

Sterile laparotomy and moderate abdominal sepsis modulate hepatic, but not colonic mitochondrial function time dependently until 96 hours in a similar way.

Labels: MiParea: Respiration  Pathology: Sepsis 

Organism: Rat  Tissue;cell: Liver, Endothelial;epithelial;mesothelial cell 

Coupling state: LEAK, OXPHOS  Pathway: N, NS 

Event: B2  MitoFit Science Camp 2016 


Dept Anaesthesiology, Univ Duesseldorf, Germany. - [email protected]


  1. Herminghaus A, Barthel F, Heinen A, Beck C, Vollmer C, Bauer I, Weidinger A, Kozlov AV, Picker O (2015) Severity of polymicrobial sepsis modulates mitochondrial function in rat liver. Mitochondrion 24:122-8

Figure 1

MitoFit Training Camp 2016 Herminghaus Figure.jpg

Figure 1. 24 hours after sham or CASP operation RCI was significantly increased in both operated groups and after stimulation through both complexes I and II compared to the healthy controls (Fig. 1 A and B).

48 hours after sepsis induction or laparotomy RCR was significantly elevated only in the septic group and only for complex I in comparison to the sham and control group (Fig. 1 A). There was no difference between the groups after 72 hours (Fig 1 A and B). After 96h RCI was elevated only in the septic group and only for complex II comparing to the healthy controls (Fig. 1 B). p<0.05 vs. control, # p<0.05 vs. sham, data are shown as mean Β± SD (control: n=9, sham: n=12, CASP: n=11-12).

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