Gutierrez 2020 Sci Signal
GutiΓ©rrez T, Qi H, Yap MC, Tahbaz N, Milburn LA, Lucchinetti E, Lou PH, Zaugg M, LaPointe PG, Mercier P, Overduin M, Bischof H, Burgstaller S, Malli R, Ballanyi K, Shuai J, Simmen T (2020) The ER chaperone calnexin controls mitochondrial positioning and respiration . Sci Signal 13:eaax6660. |
Gutierrez Tomas, Qi Hong, Yap Megan C, Tahbaz Nasser, Milburn Leanne A, Lucchinetti Eliana, Lou Phing-How, Zaugg Michael, LaPointe Paul G, Mercier Pascla, Overduin Michael, Bischof Helmut, Burgstaller Sandra, Malli Roland, Ballanyi Klaus, Shuai Jianwei, Simmen Thomas (2020) Sci Signal
Abstract: Chaperones in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) control the flux of Ca2+ ions into mitochondria, thereby increasing or decreasing the energetic output of the oxidative phosphorylation pathway. An example is the abundant ER lectin calnexin, which interacts with sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA). We found that calnexin stimulated the ATPase activity of SERCA by maintaining its redox state. This function enabled calnexin to control how much ER Ca2+ was available for mitochondria, a key determinant for mitochondrial bioenergetics. Calnexin-deficient cells compensated for the loss of this function by partially shifting energy generation to the glycolytic pathway. These cells also showed closer apposition between the ER and mitochondria. Calnexin therefore controls the cellular energy balance between oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis.
Copyright Β© 2020 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.
β’ Bioblast editor: Plangger M β’ O2k-Network Lab: CA Edmonton Zaugg M, AT Graz Graier W
Labels: MiParea: Respiration, Genetic knockout;overexpression
Organism: Mouse
Tissue;cell: Fibroblast
Preparation: Intact cells
Regulation: Calcium Coupling state: LEAK, ROUTINE, ET
HRR: Oxygraph-2k